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5 Signs You May Be Suffering From Low Testosterone

Do you feel as though you’re walking through a haze most of the day? Have you been putting on weight even though you’re eating the same?

You may have low testosterone. Testosterone levels slowly decline as you get older, and symptoms sneak up on you. 

At A&U Family Medicine in Sugar Land, Texas, our family medicine physician Dr. Hammad Zaidi manages your health needs through every stage of life, including age-related hormone changes. In this month’s blog, we share five signs that you may be suffering from low testosterone.

1. Declining sex drive

Testosterone is a primary male sex hormone. Males and females produce testosterone, but males make more of the hormone. Testosterone is responsible for many of the characteristics associated with males, including their sex drive.

Testosterone levels rise during puberty and stay fairly consistent until about age 30 or 40. Then production starts to decrease. When testosterone levels get too low, you may experience a decline in your sex drive. You may also have sexual problems like erectile dysfunction (ED). 

If you’re no longer in the mood and it’s affecting your relationship or how you feel about yourself, it’s time to get your testosterone levels checked. If declining testosterone levels are causing your low sex drive, we can prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help you feel better.

2. Unexpected hair loss

Declining testosterone production may also cause hair loss — and not just the hair on your head. Low testosterone production may cause thinning pubic and armpit hair.

You may also notice changes in your skin. It may feel thinner, dryer, and looser.

3. Lack of energy

Lack of energy is common and has many causes, from poor sleep to stress. That’s why so many people blow off their fatigue as a consequence of their lifestyle. But declining hormone levels can contribute to your fatigue, making you feel exhausted all of the time.

If you’re dragging your feet to get through the day or you don’t have the stamina to finish your workout, you may have low testosterone. 

4. Gaining fat, losing muscle

Testosterone helps build and maintain muscle mass. Low testosterone changes body composition, causing a decrease in muscle mass and unexpected weight gain. If you’re getting a little soft in the middle and can’t seem to lift as much as you used to, schedule an appointment to have your hormones checked. 

Lack of exercise and obesity are risk factors for low testosterone. Making exercise part of your usual routine and maintaining a healthy weight may slow down the body changes that occur as you get older. 

5. Low mood

Your sex drive is low, you have no energy, and you’re gaining weight. These symptoms alone may affect your mood and self-confidence. But it’s not just the symptoms. Testosterone also affects your feelings, and declining levels of this hormone may cause depression.

Many of the signs of low testosterone are associated with aging, and you may brush them off as normal. But getting older doesn’t mean giving up. If you’re feeling out of sorts and can’t pinpoint the cause, you need to see your doctor.

When you visit A&U Family Medicine, we listen to your concerns and take a detailed history. If we think you’re suffering from low testosterone, we run bloodwork to check your levels and provide appropriate treatment, like testosterone therapy.

Finding out if your testosterone is low involves a simple blood test. Schedule an appointment by calling today at 281-895-7703 or by booking online.

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